"Usefool" Tools for Teams

A fool with a tool is still a fool...
... goes the saying. But as anyone who at some point in their career has worked in a distributed team knows that without the right tools work cannot be done. Communication is the key to either success or failure in any team. This is why we need to master our communication tools as enablers that help us build products and not inhibit team's work.

This important stage when a new team is formed and starts working on a new product is called taming of the tool and needs to be successfully addressed early at the beginning.
What makes a great difference in guaranteeing success here is having at least one person on the team who is willing to experiment with different tools and can help coach others on how to use them.

Here are some tools I used to enable communication in teams:
Remote Retrospectives
Word Clouds

Free Galleries for Blogs

Data Analysis 

Agile Apps

  • Scrool - in the Apps Store

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