Building New Teams - What do your friends call you?

One of the secrets of high performing teams is that they are made of friends instead of colleagues. A passionate person can move the world with their ideas, just imagine two or more friends sharing and living the same passion! The best ideas come voluntarily, they are not imposed and they need a supportive environment where they can grow.

Friendship is the thing that creates a fertile environment for developing new ideas and fostering innovation. If you achieve to build Friendship into a Team you will obtain Empathy, Trust, Safety and everyone will be hyper-productive.

When you start a new project make sure that your newly formed team is spending enough time building personal relationships -  half of the working time is recommended in the beginning. That way everyone has the opportunity to learn more about others, find things they have in common and build good level of trust.

What do your friends call you?

... is a powerful question that brings people very close together, you are welcoming someone into your circle of closest friends when you give the answer.
... is like knocking on your heart's door: may I be one of your friends?
... connects people on a deeper level.
... is SIMPLE to do it

Great teams are born when individuals are open to each other and this is best achieved when people have a very good relationship. Friends tell you truth to your face, so you know if something does not work well, and you can improve it and grow.

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